This document details the process for deploying an SSL certificate to TrueNAS CORE and TrueNAS SCALE using the deploy hook under the OPNSense Automation Acme plugin. The steps outlined are intended to provide a comprehensive guide for individuals seeking to implement a secure SSL certificate solution for their TrueNAS systems. The procedure is precise and straightforward, ensuring the desired outcome is achieved without complications. By following the instructions outlined in this document, users can successfully deploy SSL certificates to their TrueNAS CORE and TrueNAS SCALE systems, providing an added layer of security to their network infrastructure.
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Step 1: Create a Wildcard Let’s Encrypt or ZeroSSL certificate
You can skip this step if the Let’s Encrypt or ZeroSSL certificate was issued with the wildcard certificate. Otherwise, follow this tutorial to complete step 1:
** Note: You must have a Wildcard certificate if you want your browser to recognize the SSL cert as valid.
For instance, a certificate generated for is only valid for that subdomain. A wildcard certificate would be valid for all subdomains under the domain (*
Step 2: Obtain TrueNAS API Key
Follow this tutorial to generate a TrueNAS API Key:
Step 3: Config Automation Deploy Hook
3.1. Add new Automation under Services > ACME Client > Automations

3.2. Config New Automation.
3.2.a. Select Enabled.
3.2.b. Create a Name for your new automation.
3.2.c. Create a Description for your new automation.
3.2.d. Select Upload certificate to TrueNAS Core Server under Run Command.
3.2.e. Input the TrueNAS API key from Step 2.
3.2.f. Select TrueNAS scheme, and select HTTPS instead.
3.2.g. Save
3.2.h. Repeat Step 3.2.a – Step 3.2g for TrueNAS SCALE.

Step 4: Add Automation to the selected certificate
4.1. Navigate to Services ‣ ACME Client ‣ Certificates.
4.2. Select Edit Certificate.

4.3. Select Deploy to TrueNAS under Automations (the name may vary depending on what you named it under Step 3)
4.4. Save.

Step 5: Enable Web Interface HTTP -> HTTPS Redirect on TrueNAS
- Select System ‣ General.
- Select Web Interface HTTP -> HTTPS Redirect.
- Select Save.
- Confirm to Restart Web Service.

- Select System Settings ‣ General ‣ Settings.
- Select Web Interface HTTP -> HTTPS Redirect.
- Select Save.

Step 6: Run Automation to deploy certificates to TrueNAS
- Navigate to Services ‣ ACME Client ‣ Certificates.
- Select Run automation icon.

- Monitor for Errors under Services ‣ ACME Client ‣ Log Files

Step 7: Select Let’s Encrypt certificate and Restart WebUI
- Navigate to System ‣ General.
- Select Letencrypt Certificate (You only need to do this the first time).
- Save.
- Confirm to Restart Web Service.

- Navigate to System Settings ‣ General ‣ Settings.
- Select Letencrypt Certificate (You only need to do this the first time).
- Select Save.
- Confirm to Restart Web Service.